Peninsular: Archipelagos and Other Islands

Peninsular, Daren Shiau's second book, is built around the inescapable motif of islands and archipelagos. The collection redeems as it explores identity and existence through notions of fragments, fragmentation and the fragility of wholeness.



Peninsular: Archipelagos and Other Islands

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$18.00 SGD


“One really has to admire Daren Shiau as a writer. Peninsular has its precedent in Shiau’s novel, Heartland, which gives its intentions a solid credibility.”

- Alfian Sa’at, A History of Amnesia

“This is a collection to savour slowly because it provokes thought and nudges subtly, and sometimes sharply, at the sensibilities and conscience. The author convinces one that he is actually very much in empathy with what is at times agonising, at others, deeply perplexing.”

- Professor Lee Tzu Pheng

"Shiau makes his best contribution, with Peninsular, to his growing canon of work and to the ongoing saga of Singapore poetry in English and possibly in our three official languages."

- Emeritus Professor Edwin Thumboo, 'Time and Place: History and Geography in Daren Shiau's Poetry'

"You could virtually trace the defining fingerprints of our definitive poets. Rare is a young poet who knows where his words come from and where he should shepard them."

- Felix Cheong, I Watch The Stars Go Out and Sudden In Youth


Daren Shiau